West 11th Street Park
"This beautiful 20.2 acre pocket wilderness is the largest remaining native Texas forest inside the 610 Loop. Containing amenities no money can buy - over 1000 mature trees, a growing and diverse understory, serene wooded trails, a diverse bird and butterfly fauna - this irreplaceable piece of parkland represents a haven for wildlife and a tranquil spot for Houstonians seeking respite from the stresses of urban living." This was quoted from the folks who worked so hard to save this small park. The accomplished their goal and we have a new city park.
I visited the park today and the trees are huge, almost stunningly so. Most are pines, but really tall. The park is not really big enough to call it a hiking park, but trails do criss-cross the entire acreage. It only took me 15 minutes to walk all the trails available, but it was still a nice walk.
There were several birders there talking about the many birds they'd sighted in the park. At the entrance, there is a bulletin board posting some of the birds in the park.
Trails are about 4 to 6 feet wide, with dirt and some grass, low in places so after our recent rains, quite muddy. However, I was able to walk the trails anyway without getting my feet wet. The park has no ameneties as of yet. That means no bathrooms, little signage, only one water fountain and one bench. The pocket park is surrounded by the Timbergrove neighborhood and felt safe. I walked the park at 4:30 on a Sunday and essentially had the trails to myself. Although I was told that the neighborhood citizens walk there often.
Bottom line is it's not a park for long distance walking, but a very nice short walk in a beautiful setting. It's worth going to just to gaze up at the trees.
It's located on West 11th Street just west of TC Jester. Look for the park bench as there is no obvious sign on 11th St.